A musician, and a new Twilight fan named Adaline (I like the sound of the music she makes) had a very lucky encounter with Rob Pattinson himself last night!
She was at an afterparty for the Juno Fest music festival. She says–
She was at an afterparty for the Juno Fest music festival. She says–
"Last night I was at a Juno Afterparty at Richards on Richards (a fantastic live music venue in Vancouver). I'm hanging out upstairs and I look over...it's Robert Pattinson. I couldn't believe it! I spent the next few minutes trying to figure out how to say hi and what I could say that wouldn't sound crazy.
I walked over and he was saying to another girl, "I can't do that. I can't do that", so I pulled up beside him and said, "What can't you do Robert" and he said, "I can't take pictures tonight". So I leaned over and said, "I don't need a picture of you. You're just a normal person trying to have a good time. I'm just happy to have this moment with you. Sometimes people want a piece of you, more specifically, a piece of Edward. I'm happy to be meeting you. At the end of the day, you're just like me."
At that point, he pulled me into an warm embrace and said in my ear, "You are the first person to say that to me all day, thank you. Honestly, thank you". I said, "You're welcome. We're the same".
I told him about how I was a performer, so you never know, maybe he'll be at a show someday!
In the end it was lovely to meet the man who so well depicted the character so many people love. I can tell you two things:
1) Even though Robert is not Edward, he has the same intense stare in real life. It took me off guard.
2) He smells lovely. The stinky thing is a bunch of tabloid garbage.
At the end of the day, this story is about my music and about how it seems that all of this was meant to happen. How I was meant to pick up that book, how I was meant to have all that press published, how I was meant to be at that club last night, and how I was meant to meet you."
as she says...very cosmic indeed.
you can read the rest on her MySpace page
You may be thinking - okay missme, this news is everywhere... - the reason I posted this was, aside from loving the story, there's also this Extra clip claiming that Rob has admitted to being a little lax'd on his personal hygiene:
you can read the rest on her MySpace page
You may be thinking - okay missme, this news is everywhere... - the reason I posted this was, aside from loving the story, there's also this Extra clip claiming that Rob has admitted to being a little lax'd on his personal hygiene:
I take Adaline's word over Rob's - after watching the Twilight DVD with the commentary, I fully get that Rob is the kind of guy that tears himself down. Modest may be the word, but he definitely does not brag. And he likes to joke a lot, so a lot of what he says sounds like he says it for the sake of saying it, rather than actually literally meaning it. Well that's my 2 cents on that topic.
Photo of Rob can be found here on Colleen Allison's photostream
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