Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New Moon Cast: Jimmy Kimmel
I love this intro!
Oh gosh the screaming! haha that's insane!
Taylor: "putting something in my mouth every 2 hours" hahahah OMJ...
Edward: "I thought that having a kind of completely pre-pubescent girl's body would work out. And then Taylor comes along and I'm like 'geez I'm gunna get fired!'" LOL.
Kristen: "I almost died tripping over a rock"
Rob: "I kinda strained one of my ass cheeks"
Kristen: "I remember a groinal pull" o_O
shirt misbuttoning. HAHA. Oh and Rob and his crying story. OMG I love this guy - he's hilarious!
I'm sure they paid that last guy to come on and propose lol.
New Moon Breaks NZ Records!
Twilight: New Moon NZ's biggest opening weekend ever.
Kiwi Twilight fans have helped the vampire romance franchise into New Zealand box office history by giving the latest film the largest opening weekend ever.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon knocked previous record holder The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King off the top spot with a mammoth NZ$2,641,109 haul during its first four days of screening nationwide.
"We are absolutely thrilled with the result," says Elizabeth Trotman, general manager of the film's New Zealand distributor Hoyts.
"We knew it was going to be big, but we had no idea it would be the biggest opening weekend of all time. Especially considering it opened outside of school holidays, this is an exceptional result.
"The fans have responded really well to New Moon and a lot of theatres have told us some have been to see the movie multiple times over the weekend."
New Moon placed third on the all-time North American box office opening weekend chart with US$140.7 million. The top two spots there are last year's US$158.4 million Batman blockbuster The Dark Knight and 2007's US$151.1 million haul for Spider-Man 3.
The all-time top five opening weekends at the New Zealand box office are as follows:
By Daniel Rutledge
- Twilight Saga: New Moon - $2,641,409
- Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - $2,609,992
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $2,405,040
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - $2,403,515
- Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - $2,290,584
Link: [3news]
Pretty cool huh? I know that New Moon has broken worldwide records, but this news is just a bit closer to home for me. Pretty amazing to see the fandom taking over globally!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Team Converts...
Been hearing this a lot: "Team Jacob - cause he looks better half naked".
Ouch. Although I sorta agree. Couldn't they have given Edward/Rob a chest wax? Sure some girls dig hairy chests...I'm just not one of them. I heard a few "ewwws" at the premiere screening in Auckland. It was sad! As much as I love Taylor and his awesome abs, I don't want Edward to be beaten out by Jacob! NO!
So come on Rob - opt in for a chest wax. LOL. So superficial, but what a difference it makes to the storyline - doesn't it make it more understandable why Bella would love Edward (apart from not being able to choose who you love) over Jake?
Oh well - I'm one who can learn to deal. I just hope there's no more "ewws"...imagine if all the Rob lovers just suddenly became Taylor lovers....and people going to see the film hoping that Bella would choose Jacob.
*sighs* and rant over.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Review: New Moon. EPIC. *spoilers*
I just got home from watching New Moon and I'm absolutely buzzing.
I absolutely LOVED it. I remember sitting through Twilight for the first time and absolutely cringing - took me the second time to warm up to it - but very few cringe-worthy moments this time. The cast and crew did a fabulous job!
WARNING - possible spoilers...I'll try and keep it quite general
I know they can't stay absolutely true to the book, but I thought it stayed pretty close to the book IMO.
Some very quirky lines thrown in there - Billy Burke, crack up as always :D
Kristen was less awkward. Robward was less cheesy. I love Jackson's smile. Alice had more or less the same amount of scenes in the book.
Obviously a few unexplained bits in the film that you would get if you've read the book. I had to do a good deal of explaining to my brother after the movie. They had condensed a good chunk of the 'draggy' bits, but nothing that really takes away from the story.
Let down of the night? The F*CKEN FANGIRLS! Okay...I love the hype and all, and the giggling at appropriate moments...but these girls were giggling at the "Summit Entertainment" logo intro. ...hmmm....seriously?
And of course I was seated to this horrendous banshee laughing girl. She was the worst. And she would be a solo laugher. Oh I felt I was going mad. I wanted silence.
No CD - that Edward gives to Bella - she only got a kiss for her birthday.
Rosalie's hair bugged me...but I knew that before going in. The wig just doesn't work for me, even though I wouldn't want to Nikki through bleaching again. Just thought I'd say...
Best part...no cheesy run-through-the-woods special effects - I thought Chris Weitz did an amazing job with the wolf pack.
Aro was funny...he's like this oversized kid or something.
The end of the birthday night broke my heart - even more than the actual break up scene did.
Not sure if the vampire tearing up scene was quite PG.
Oh and there was this hilarious scene that Aro sees through Alice of Edward and Bella playfully running through the woods. So cheesy....so not Bella and Edward lol.
Hmmm what else....oh the school carpark scene! Edward the supermodel rears his head. That was such a cute scene. Oh the sexual tension...in more than this scene...in the end of birthday night scene too.
There's a lot that I've missed out...can't possibly remember everything at 3.30am.
After watching this...I'm finding it hard to stay on Team Edward - cinematically, Jacob is just sooo much hotter than Edward (LOL). So Rob needs to up the anti cause Taylor was smokin'! There was even a round of applause when Jake took his shirt off to wipe up Bella's blood.
I heard some girls whining that the movie was crap. I mean seriously?...did you even watch the same movie that I did? did they expect back-flippin flying monkeys or what?
I'm itching to go and see New Moon again!!!! Better than Twilight - hands down!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
3news extended footage from New Moon Premiere
Red carpet footage including interviews with Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Reaser, Justin Chon, Chris Weitz, Michael Sheen, Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Christopher Heyerdahl and Jamie Campbell Bower.
link: [3news]
Rob interview with Ryan Seacrest
Bottom line is that they just won't confirm nor deny. Unless you want to go by what Catherine Hardwicke said in a previous interview...
Hola ~ Vids from the Red Carpet
A little over 10 hours before New Moon premieres here in NZ - that' where I'll be tonight XD - Jealous much? haha...right.
Rob's fave cookie? I love the originality of questions and answers!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Close Up on the New Moon Film Set
Close Up have an interview segment with the cast of New Moon.
When Close Up presenter Mark Sainbury said "Werewolves - bare-chested beefcakes...." I started PMSL. It's just not something you'd expect him to say....hehe.
I don't think this is Close Up exclusive..it *may* be taken from odd interviews...I really don't know, I haven't been watching much behind the scenes New Moon stuff cause I just think it will ruin the movie if I think about it too much - you know my expectations could possibly set me up for a downfall.
Interviews with Rob, Kristen, Taylor, Dakota and Michael Sheen.
Kristen: "objectively from the outside she (Bella) should be with Jacob. She's best friends with him, he's warm and it's easy, there's no problems there. But you can't always take the easy way."
Taylor: "It just depends on your type...if you believe in love at first sight and seeing that mysterious man on the corner, then alright, join Team Edward."
Rob: "Edward is much more of a worrier. Not a warrior, a worrier (laughs) and Jacob isn't."
Rob just cracks me up with his aloofness. He just comes off as a big dork to me. Perhaps that's his charm?
Alright, here's the link: [CloseUp]
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Campbell Live
Not since Harry Potter have we seen a book series as popular - 52 weeks at the top of the New York bestsellers list and counting.
Unlike Potter though, we have far more hormones at play here. Twilight fans are passionate ones, as are a good many of their mothers.
Much of that passion is centred on a Vampire, played in the films by British actor Robert Pattinson.
Just the mere mention of Pattinson's name is enough to throw legions of Twilight fans into a breathless swoon. The fact he plays a vampire doesn't seem to lessen his appeal, in fact, as with his Twilight girlfriend Bella, it only appears to add to it.
Reflecting the hype for the movie, the marketing junket juggernaut for New Moon is enormous, and it seems everyone wants a bite of Edward Cullen.
So what is it about this Edward Cullen that has us all in a lather?
"I guess his strengths are, he's very humble, I guess that's also his weakness as well, the more he falls in love with Bella, the more he sees her as a vision of perfection and doesn't feel worthy of her at all.
"He's such an enigma in the books, such a blank canvas, people can project what they want."
New Moon is the young Brit's second Twilight, and since the first he's been fan-mobbed akin to the Beatles. The sequel will only up the fan ante.
"You just always have to remember what or if there is a reason to be doing what you're doing," says Pattinson. "I still find I have a reason, which I can't really express, ha ha.
"It doesn't make me unhappy. There are times when it's really annoying, but I guess that's the only time you really have to change, with the fame and all that stuff, it's not too bad."
For those of you who have been living under a rock and perhaps haven't heard of the Twilight story, it's the tale of a normal self-possessed young girl called Bella, and her love affair with a Vampire.
In the sequel New Moon, things get a little more complicated. Pattinson isn't the only cause for palpitations in the film.
We have in the Vampire corner Team Edward, while in the Werewolf corner, Team Jacob.
Adding more throb to the heart of this new Twilight story is Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob, Bella's other man.
"Jacob is light, he cares about her (Bella), she just wants to be herself and have fun, so different to what she experiences with Edward," says Kristen Stewart who plays Bella.
"I love they start out as best friends, it grows into something more," says Lautner. "They are both good for Bella, protect her, loyal to her, just a question of left or right."
Jacob also enjoys howling at the moon, and has issues with vampires.
"It required me to go to some deep dark places," says Lautner of his role as Jacob. "The best thing I did was know the books inside out, because that's what the fans want to see."
So is Lautner getting the same treatment from fans that his co-star's are getting?
"We're travelling the world right now," he says. "Everywhere we go we same number of passionate fans, it's comforting, if we were making these films without them it would be a little scary."
But it's really Vampire Cullen who is the ying to Bella's yang, a ying-yang the tabloids would have us believe is reflected in the real world.
Stewart may or may not be Pattinson's girlfriend - a question expressly forbidden to be asked of either of them during these interviews - but she was certainly prepared to put her body on the line for this movie.
"I stepped on a rock, a part of the movie I wasn't even in, I stepped on a rock and sprained my ankle," says Stewart.
New Moon opens in New Zealand next week and more than 30,000 fans have already pre-booked tickets, and a good many have been busted hugging Edward Cullen posters in cinema lobbies.
And just for the record? Yes he is that hot in the flesh. Go Team Edward.
link [3News]
There are also 4 clips up from said interview:
Monday, November 9, 2009
If you want a serious laugh...
Of course, don't visit if you can't deal with Twi-haters...there are more than a few Twi-hating comments.
So this scan is for Liz. Enjoy your 15minutes of fame. hehe.
Edit: The scan seems to have come up a bit odd, so I will rescan it later if I have time if need be.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Super Vamp Bella!
Well, I'm sure you all caught the Kristen and Rob photoshoot with Harper's Bazaar Magazine floating around the internet - I really don't want to post something that's already widely spread around the internet unless I want to add my unwanted two-cents worth in - I thought Kristen looked AMAZING!
A teensy bit goth/femme fatale...but very much how I imagined Bella to be in Breaking Dawn when she gets super vamped up!
I just loved it!
Oh yeah and Rob looked hot too. But did you see Kristen?! hehe
In case you don't actually know which photos I'm harping on about (as I tend to do in my own little insignificant world), her ya go my lovelies:
and NewMoonMovie have out takes...OMG
here and here
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Twilight Empire Edition
Must get hands on copy. We'll see. Borders should have it I think.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Creme and Girlfriend Magazine Scans...
Two new sets of magazine scans are making their way onto Twilight Obsessed. Yup NZ magazines Creme and Girlfriend both have New Moon special editions out now. And yup I've got them both in my hot little hands. I've just gotta scan them in. Oh the tedious task. But I will suck it up and do it cause I'm the man. HA! lol.
Oh I had the biggest dilemma today at Whitcoulls courtesy of Creme magazine...I couldn't choose between the Team Edward or the Team Jacob cover!!!! What the Forks! How can you guys expect me to choose?! Are you serious?! And of course I couldn't really talk myself into buy them both seeing as the content was the same with the only difference being the cover...although it probably wouldn't be that hard if the little devil in me wasn't so exhausted from sitting the Film exam earlier this morning. You should've seen me. I was a zombie. Oh gosh I hope I passed!!
Anywhos...I will just post these wee pics up for now, but check back soon - I will get the scanner warmed up and scanning. Then we'll be in business! Feel free to use the scans...but please credit them back to me :)
And the Girlfriend one (note Girlfriend...Aus/NZ...same diff)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Enough of my ranting...
Asheley Greene just looks absolutely AMAZING. Kellan too...but maybe lose the cape? then I'd be drooling all over my keyboard.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bronson Interview C4TV 2
LOL did Bronson seriously need to be pinched...
"What does Taylor Lautner smell like?" hhahahaha my gosh - seriously there will people who ask these type of questions. Better them than me hehe.
Head on over to C4TV
Edward Undies???
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Spoiler scene...
The break up scene:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Moon TV commercial
New Moon commercial. No new content, just a new format. and LOL @ the Alice line. It's funny how we pick out the most pointless things *giggles*
Rant time...
This clip reminds me of why I'm ultimately on Team Edward. I love Jake too, but the voice over dude in this clip just totally reminded me why I'm Team Edward - cause lets face it, after having Twilight become such a huge part of your life you can start to forget the reasons why you like certain things. Why am I Team Edward? because he's the only one who will risk everything for Bella. Sure Jake loves Bella, but I remember he can't give up things Bella asks him to out of selfish desire while Edward does. Edward is all about Bella. Jake is more about "it's more normal/natural to be with me than be with a vampire". Jake is realistic, but who needs realism when you have romanticism?
NZ Herald: Rob the Boy in the Bubble
An NZ Herald article on our man Rob...
The Twilight juggernaut is propelling the 23-year-old British actor to the heights of mega stardom and, having previously only played minor roles, most notably as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he is making the most of it.
The small independent movie, Remember Me, was able to go ahead as the result of his casting and Pattinson is now in Unbound Captives, a western set in 1859, where the world's sexiest youngster gets to act alongside the "Sexiest Man Alive", Hugh Jackman.
"The Twilight fans are so devoted, even fanatical, that I'm now able to do so many films," Pattinson says. "The economy is just so bad at the moment. I don't care if they think I'm right for the part or not. I can get their movie made, which is great."
The trim actor says what has happened to him has been "pure luck." After all, handsome Henry Cavill, who made a dashing impression in TV's The Tudors as Henry's friend, the Duke of Suffolk, had been Twilight author Stephanie Meyer's original choice to play Edward Cullen, the lovelorn vampire who falls in love with the human Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart).
But Cavill was too old by the time the blockbuster movie went ahead and Pattinson won the role instead. "I never set out to achieve anything, certainly not fame like this," he admits. "I still have to deal with how to actually make my life work."
The obvious comparison regarding his ascent to stardom is with Daniel Radcliffe who, even if he gets his gear off on stage, will forever be known as Harry Potter. Like his fellow Briton, Pattinson has gone against the puerile grain of Twilight to appear in gay sex scenes for his portrayal of the Spanish painter Salvador Dali in Little Ashes.
Pattinson hopes his Twilight role will leave him without the typecasting that Radcliffe will surely face. "I worked on Harry Potter for 11 months and I couldn't imagine doing that for all those years. I don't know how those guys have stayed sane. I would go completely crazy, hardly being able to do anything else for so long."
Pattinson was contracted to do the four Twilight movies and once Eclipse wraps up in Vancouver, only Breaking Dawn remains to be filmed. "They were all filmed quickly and painlessly," he says.
Read the rest here: [link]
New Moon Spoiler
I probably really shouldn't post this...
although seeing as it's not official and pretty much an illegal bootleg there's a good chance it'll probably be taken off youtube soon anyway
Anyway...do not watch if you don't want it to spoil the movie! I kinda regret watching this now...you know curiosity killed the cat and all. Not saying that it's a bad scene! Just that I promised myself that I wouldn't watch any more spoilers before I saw the official movie. Bad self control!!
it's the whole break up scene from New Moon. The quality is not great, think camera recording at the cinema.
Yep pretty much how it happens in the book.
I imagined how Bella would say "you don't want me" slightly differently though. I always thought it would be on the brink of tears and like "you...don't...want...me...?" heh but that's just me and minor detailing
Bronson Q&A Panel: Armageddon
It feels like Bronson-post week here at Twilight Obsessed...I can't help it ~ that's cause he's still in NZ - well last Armageddon in Auckland was today.
2 new clips on Youtube of the Q&A Panel at Armageddon. They're short clips, about 2 minutes combined.
As usual, I don't claim to own these clips, credit goes to Roxi4 for getting the footage :D
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pics of Bronson at The Edge

you can see the rest here: The Edge
More Bronson Interviews: C4TV
So here's C4TV's Drew interviewing Bronson on live TV. Yep live. Liveness usually makes me cringe, but I think Bronson will be okay. To be honest I haven't watched all of this yet, sorry too many clips and no time ATM with exams and all. I'll probably watch it tonight though :D
But I did catch someone texting in to ask Bronson:
"Can you meet me at Glenfield Mall tomorrow?"
LOLOLOL too funny - something you'll only get if you're a NZer, or more specifically an Aucklander XP
Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Once again such crappy quality LOL. Too pixelated.
Bronson Interview with 3News
now the latest...2 clips from the NZ's 3News site, 1 cut and 1 uncut. Must say they are crappy quality, even by NZ standards...you'd think they could give us moderately HQ without us having to "buy the clip" (like WTF?). It is dirctly from their website after all! And not to mention you can't even embed! Bad rep TV3!
anyways enough of that.
link to first cut version: [link]

so funny..
"I’ve met screaming fans, I’ve met crying fans, I’ve met fans that can’t even talk"
uncut: [link]

Thursday, October 22, 2009
New Moon TV Spot
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Submit Your Questions for Bronson
Phil from C4TV needs your questions for a segment they're running on Saturday 24th at 8PM
Interviewing New Moon star - questions please
Hey guys. I'm not one to shirk my responsibilities but I need you to do my work for me... kinda. I'm interviewing Bronson Pelletier from New Moon and since Twilight is such a fan driven phenom i want your questions. They will make up a special section of teh interview which will be on Top 40 this Saturday at 8pm. Questions please! In the words of our new number 1 Kesha "you're the jam!"
come on...you know you want to :D
[C4TV link]
also they're running a competition to meet Bronson at Armageddon this coming weekend (probably NZers only?)

[link]Twilight Meet and Greet
Are you a Twilight Fan? If you are it's time to get excited now because C4 is giving you the chance to meet one of the stars from the movie - this Sunday at the Armageddon Expo in Auckland!
To enter simply login and tell us in 20 words or less why you deserve to win.
Also enter our massive Twilight giveaway - if you haven't already.
2 Tickets to Armageddon Expo at Greenlane Event Centre in Auckland on Sun October 25th.
A Meet and Greet with Twilight's Bronson Pelletier for 2 people
Entries close 5pm October 22nd.
Bronson Pelletier Hits NZ Shores!
haha my favourite part was the "OMG"
The Bronson part starts halfway - sorry I'm trying to get my hands on a clip but will have to listen via podcast
BEWARE fangirls giggling... I dunno why but people's awkward moments always make me cringe
so first up is the The Edge FM 94.2
UPDATE: there's now video footage to go with this :)
and here's the 91.0 ZM one:
[ZM link]
Wolf Scene from New Moon
Bella punches Paul?! I didn't think that was very Bella-like! naughty Bella XP
WIN the Ultimate Fan Experinece!
*phew* that was a mouthful!

Fine print: You have to be a legal resident of the U.S etc. Click on the above image to read the fine print or head on over to Torrid [link]
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Win a date with a New Moon hottie!
Win a date with a New Moon hottie!

Are you a hardcore Twilight fan? Think you know your stuff? If you do, then of course you know the second installment in the Twilight Saga - New Moon is out in cinemas November 19. But what you didn't know... is that you could be meeting one of the hotties from New Moon!
The Edge has a once in a lifetime opportunity for two die hard Twilight fans to win a date with a hunky star from the new Twilight movie New Moon!
Each day The Morning Madhouse and Fletch and Vaughan will read out a quote from one of the characters from New Moon, if you call in and are the first correct person to guess which character said the quote you will go in the draw to win one of two seats at a special date with a mystery New Moon hotty*
PLUS, Hoyts are giving you another chance to win! Just go into any Hoyts cinema or online at hoyts.co.nz and book your New Moon ticket for a second chance to win a dinner date with one of the New Moon stars*!
oh but hey don't forget the fine print!
* It could be any one of the New Moon guys but it's up to the discretion of the movie company which one will be your date. So don't go crying if it isn't the one you secretly want and have all the posters all over your wall of and write pages and pages of letters to in your diary or whatever.
Link: The Edge FM
My guess is it'll be one of the guys that are coming our way for Armageddon [link]....so I wouldn't hold my breath for Rob or Taylor :P
oh I think it's obvious that it's pretty much a NZ competition...unless Australia have something similar running?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Twilight Cast in Aust/NZ - UPDATE
For Armageddon:

link: The Hub Productions
Unfortunately, due to an extension of the filming schedule of Eclipse, Kellan Lutz, Michael Welch and Charlie Bewley will not be able to attend the Twilight Tour in Melbourne and Auckland. They all send their regrets and are looking forward to coming out in the near future and seeing you all soon at another Hub event. We are, however, very pleased to welcome Christopher Heyerdahl, who portrays Marcus of the Volturi, and the adorable Bronson Pelletier, who plays Wolf Pack member Jared.
The new line up for Twilight Tour Aust:

Cameron Brightlink: The Hub Productions
Christopher Heyerdahl
Charlie Bewley
Chaske Spencer
Tinsel Korey
John Henson (Costumer)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Bella's Lullaby
I just think it's not right, it's so cinematic. And I mean yeah it is made for cinema....but...it falls short of what I expected. And almost a year on from hearing it in the movie, I still can't get it. It just does not work for me.
Maybe cause I fell in love with Yiruma's The River Folows in You first?
I wish, WISH they would change the current Bella's Lullaby. Anything but the current Carter Burwell orchestra version....Don't get me wrong, I like the Carter Burwell version too (with just piano), but it just doesn't tug on the heart strings like Yiruma's does....I just can't imagine it for Breaking Dawn.
In case you don't know which one(s) I'm talking about...
Carter Burwell's (official version):
/end rant.
Finally got my tickets
so can't wait! midnight 18th November...New Moon here I come!
Can't Get Tickets!!#@$%
haha...too funny. But also sad at the same time....I want my tickets damnit!!! there better be seats left for the midnight screening...otherwise I'll cry and fangirl hunt down whoever took my tickets!!!
right....calming down....*breathes in* *breathes out* ithas only been 10 minutes since they went on sale...
it'll be okay...I'll just have to go at another time...for another screening...
update: 40 minutes and counting.............................................
oh so hungry now. midnight snack time. grr
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
New Moon Tickets at Berkeley Cinemas: NZ

Just realised Berkeley Cinemas have New Moon tickets on presale starting on the 8th October as well. And they're providing an awesome service - they actually have a promo going. maybe the others are yet to come? buuuuut I wanna get my tickets NOW!
so the details for Berkeley Cinemas:
-FILM OPENS 12.01AM - 19.11.09
For all advance tickets purchased at the cinema between Thursday October 8 and Sunday October 11 you will receive:
-Your Ticket(s) to the film
-A Team Edward or Team Jacob Exclusive Lanyard (You Decide)
-A Complimentary Classic Bottled Pepsi to enjoy with the film.
- Be in the draw to WIN an exclusive Team Edward or Team Jacob FRAMED POSTER. (A total of eight to give away)!
Sooo....you get goodies at Berkeleys, but you get a Twilight experience at Skycity....
link: Berkeley Cinemas
New Moon Tickets on Sale: NZ

New Moon tickets are finally now on sale at Skycity Cinemas and Hoyts Cinemas starting from 12.01am ....tonight/early tomorrow however you see it. so 12.01am 8th October.
the details:
Purchase your tickets tonight to New Moon!
Also on sale tonight are tickets to TWILIGHT which is returning to the big screen from 12 - 18th November 2009
All TWILIGHT tickets are just $6
Purchase your tickets to our DOUBLE FEATURES on Wednesday 18 November 2009
See TWILIGHT at 9.30pm followed by the premiere screening of NEW MOON at 12.01am
All DOUBLE FEATURE tickets just $20
No link as of yet, but link to their website: Skycity Cinemas
and Hoyts
Personally, depending on how well word spreads (cause it's not stated on their website the exact details, I only know through email subscription, and I'm only spreading the word even faster...), I expect tickets to sell out pretty fast. We'll see I guess. Oh and not to mention the poor NCEA kids have exams on Nov 19!! that's so sad. I'm glad my uni exams will have been completed by then....*rubs it in ya noses*
My number 1 question now is....do I need to watch Twilight yet again in cinemas?...followed closely by: Am I too much of a granny to stay up past midnight to see Rob and Taylor droolworthily shirtless?......I think not.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Twilight and/or/vs Vampire Knight

wanna check it out? I like the manga so much better than the anime...the anime, like the Twilight movie, tries too hard to be comedic I think. You can google "Vampire Knight and Twilight" and you'll find a bit on that discussion.