Hell yeah! okay it's not even up for discussion as far as the big bosses are concerned. But Melissa Rosenberg made a suggestion in an intervew with E!'s Mark Malkin -
“There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well…And there are some complexities to that character,” she adds. He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that beautifully.”And she talks Edward in New Moon -
“In the book, he’s actually an enormous presence in [Bella’s] mind,” Rosenberg said. “He’s so present in her mind throughout the entire center of the book, so we really played off that, and it kept him alive in a slightly different way, but fans will feel it’s true to the book. You can’t have a Twilight without Rob Pattinson.”I'd like a piece of Channing Tatum in the Twilight Saga ;)
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