This is what I wake up to? Can the Twi-craze get any whackier?
Aerial photos show that two separate "Twilight"-themed maze patterns at Black Island Farms, 3178 S. 3000 West, have already been cut into the corn — a "Team Jacob" and a "Team Edward." (In the movie, Bella can choose Edward or Jacob as her boyfriend.)
The lettering "New moon 11-20-09" is also a part of the maze.
A side design in the corn depicts a KUTV reporter or anchorman holding a microphone.
GPS technology is used to cut the intricate patterns into the corn.
The idea of a corn maze is to enter and then eventually conquer the labyrinths by finding the lone exit. Getting "lost" is part of the fun.
Black Island is a working vegetable farm, with about 400 acres in cultivation, growing carrots, onions, cabbage, corn, pumpkins, squash and gourds.
well this is something unique...that's for sure...
I wonder if it's actually conquerable? like in Jakes ear then out his nose?
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