wanna check it out? I like the manga so much better than the anime...the anime, like the Twilight movie, tries too hard to be comedic I think. You can google "Vampire Knight and Twilight" and you'll find a bit on that discussion.
The Hub Productions presents...The Hub Productions
Gil Birmingham
Kiowa Gordon
Wednesday the 18th November in Melbourne
Thursday the 19th November in Sydney
Gil Birmingham and Kiowa Gordon will be appearing on Wednesday 18th November in Melbourne and Thursday the 19th November in Sydney.
In Melbourne the event features the guests live for a few stories, anecdotes as well as Question and Answers. Included will be an autograph from Gil Birmingham and the opportunity to purchase an autograph from Kiowa Gordon. There will also be New Moon merchandise with a 10% discount at Gifts for the Geek, as well as rare collectibles available to purchase. The evening will close with a screening of Twilight followed by the premiere of New Moon. Included is a mini New Moon poster, popcorn and a drink.
In Sydney the event features the guests live for a few stories, anecdotes as well as Question and Answers. Included will be an autograph from each of our special guests which you receive in person. There will also be New Moon merchandise, as well as rare collectibles available to purchase from the dealers. The evening will close with a screening of New Moon.
Aerial photos show that two separate "Twilight"-themed maze patterns at Black Island Farms, 3178 S. 3000 West, have already been cut into the corn — a "Team Jacob" and a "Team Edward." (In the movie, Bella can choose Edward or Jacob as her boyfriend.)
The lettering "New moon 11-20-09" is also a part of the maze.
A side design in the corn depicts a KUTV reporter or anchorman holding a microphone.
GPS technology is used to cut the intricate patterns into the corn.
The idea of a corn maze is to enter and then eventually conquer the labyrinths by finding the lone exit. Getting "lost" is part of the fun.
Black Island is a working vegetable farm, with about 400 acres in cultivation, growing carrots, onions, cabbage, corn, pumpkins, squash and gourds.
well this is something unique...that's for sure...
I wonder if it's actually conquerable? like in Jakes ear then out his nose?